Makkah on 24-25 Oct 2012
Cattle market at Mahasthan-garh, Bogra.
Gabtali cattle market, Dhaka
Camels stroll in Dhaka city before Eid-ul-Azha

Prize possession
Sacrificial cows occupy garrage and parking space.
No dearth of chopping block
All kinds of cutting edge
Metal-sculpture erected at Road 27, Dhanmandi

Long wait for the homebound
xyz type of tailback.
Sadarghgat launch terminal. On festive occasions sufferings are integral to our culture.
Who knows how many passengers in launch against 350 capacity.
Tongi rail stn. A toddler rests on bumper.
Ashulia. Perilous journey.
Eid Jamaat,
Baitul Mukarram, Dhaka
Eid-gah, Ramna, Dhaka
Eid-gah, Soalakia, Kishorganj

Finally, sacrificial meat distributed to the poor
(*pics from national print media)