
Friday, January 19, 2007

January scenes: Dhaka

All quiet on the election commission front

Karwan bazar bustee in blaze (12th january 07) --- 'Aktel' bill board on coffin box

Predators of Lauachara Reserve Forest turn into protectors

Poush Sankranti kite flying in old dhaka

'Pitha Utsab' (rice cake festival)

Hot mughlai paratha in Maghbazar crossing

Flower stalls in Shahbagh

Traders carrying fish in large cauldrons

Plucked chicken on sale

Group begging in the city

"Made in Bangladesh" running in Balaka cinema

17 january 2007

Unlicensed rickshaws having a ride

Curious old inhabitants in Old Dhaka

Tea stalls near Art College, Shahbagh

Ice cream vendors in Shahbagh

Chicken pattis

Murir moa

Maghbazar crossing

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