
Sunday, April 01, 2007

New market - New and Old Elephant road

Statue in the triangular park at 'Green road' crossing

View: 'Science Lab' towards Dhanmondi

Foot bridge over 'Science Lab' crossing

view: south of 'Science Lab'

Shopping malls on New Elephant road

New market, Dhaka

View of busy road, north of New Market

Gausia market intersection - middle class shoppers' favourite

Old Elephant road from Mirpur road - a popular shopping area

Famous Aeroplane Mosque on 'Old Elephant road'

Eastern Mallika shopping centre (previously Mallika cinema), Old Elephant road

Apartment block on Old Elephant road ------------ BATA signal intersection

Old Elephant road, towards Hatirpul Bazaar

Apartments near 'Hatirpul Bazaar' and 'Bhuter Goli' intersection

Once a route for grazing elephants (Pic during 1880)
During Mughal and early British rule, this area was the route for herds of elephants from Peelkhana to Ramna and its adjoining canals for grazing and washing. The hump back bridge over the old railway line (now road), south of Motalib Plaza, was known as Hatir-pul.


  1. .

    I may be wrong but awhile back
    I was traveling and happen to meet
    you while shopping and you mentioned
    about your blog. It seemed interesting
    to me. I was gone for some time
    after that but I finally checked out
    your blog and it's just like you said!

    Well anyway take care and write
    sometime if you ever have time...

  2. I bumped with a great man in a shop..was it you?..anyways, thanks for your gracious remarks..
