
Thursday, May 31, 2007

Buriganga river in May 2007

View of Bangla-China Friendship bridge 1989 (Buriganga first bridge)

Buriganga view - eastward

Ferry service

Bangladesh Naval Coast Guard Station, Postogola

View of First bridge, Postogola end

Brick collection spot, Hasanabad, south of Buriganga river

Sand collection - large monuments are built at the sweat of these poor people

Luxury liner for group trip

Buriganga-Meghna or Buriganga-Sitalakkhya-Ashulia-Turag trip

Old type boat at Sitalakkhya river, Narayanganj

View of Dhaka from Postogola bridge

View from Badamtali ghat bridge

Paddled Steamer 'Rocket Service' for Dhaka-Khulna route

Sir Salimullah Medical College & Mitford Hospital

Second Buriganga bridge at Badamtali ghat

Bridge beams viewed from bottom

View of Chawkbazar and Lalbagh area (minarets of Chawk Shaheed Masjid and Lalbagh Badshahi Masjid seen)

Buriganga from top of Second bridge

See more on Buriganga river, Dhaka, and
Buriganga river - massive river pollution.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ershad for updating Buriganga scenes..
