
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mutiny Halts City Life: 25 Feb 2009

BDR HQ, Peelkhana

Mutiny during a Durbar in Peelkhana on 25-02-09 at 9:00am

smoke bellowing

people off from Dhanmandi road

road in front of New Market- two municipal dustbins look clean

female workers leaving for home early

shop shutters down

people taking shelter behind trees from flying bullets

Army called in

barricade on sat-masjid road

Nilkhet crowd looking from a safe distance

unfortunates brought to emergency ward Dhaka Medical College Hospital

RAB Commandos moving

multi nozzle guns placed at different points

ready for action..!

road deserted
(some pics from the media)


  1. Oh Sir !! You were right on the spot! Good that nothing unfortunate had happened to you.

    Impressive journalism there!

    I am not sure if I should inspire you to go in the middle of such action field again, but if you happen to be in such situation again, I think a video or two will be much more appreciable.

    With the wish of improvement of this whole situation really fast.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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