
Monday, October 25, 2010


Eastern plus, Shantinagar


New Baily road

Century arcade, Moghbazar

Topkhana road

Baitul Mukarram

apartment blocks in Green road

apartments on the road north of Ladies Club

apartments in New Eskaton road

Green road near Science Laboratory

Mirpur road

Saatmasjid road


  1. Great update, thanks!

    - Tanvir (Tanzirian)

  2. Great blog. I enjoy your photos very much. From your blog I can see Dhaka has changed a lot in the past decade

  3. I have found that you have affection for Dhaka. But you know the people of Dhaka are now suffering for traffic jam. We are losing our temper and become cruel at road.
    I think there is a solution - I have named a funny name of the solution, it is "Hatu Haddi crossing" as it is seems like that. If we can built this kind of crossing in the main roads of Dhaka and establish following system I think we can get out from this crisis.
    : Make all main roads of Dhaka city one way, close all right turns and crossing,
    remove all signals.

    : Construct one Hatu Haddi Crossing (HHC) in every 10 KM as per requirement.

    : Ensure traffic control system.

    : Rearrange public transport rut.

    I request to see my face book profile for the picture of this crossing.!/profile.php?id=1042778360
