
Monday, April 25, 2011

Gulmohar (Krishnachura) trees at Crescent lake, Dhaka 2011

Gulmohar is a flamboyant tree in flower - some say the world's most colorful tree. Gulmohar gets 30-40 ft tall, but its elegant wide-spreading umbrella-like canopy can be wider than its height. It was discovered in the wild early 19th century in its native Madagascar. Gulmohar is naturalized in this subcontinent and is widely cultivated as a street tree. Its flowering season here is April – June. The flowers are large, with four spreading scarlet or orange-red petals up to 8 cm long. In the subcontinent it is known as Gulmohar (Urdu/Hindi -‘Gul’ means flower and ‘Mohr’ is ‘peacock’, thus the name suggests a spectacular show of color. In West Bengal and Bangladesh it is also known as Krishnachura.


  1. Photos are really beautiful..Thanks for posting....

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