Over 400 dead, thousands maimed/ injured and missing in the five garment factories disaster housed in the 9-storey Rana Plaza, Savar on Wednesday 24 Apr 2013.
The Armed forces, Fire Brigade, Red Cresant volunteers and the civil defense authority have launched massive rescue operation.
Cracks in Rana Plaza were noticed on the previous day and the inspection team declared the bldg risky to use. Shops and a Bank in Ist and 2nd floor removed their assets. Top 5 floors housed 5 garment factories where 5 thousand workers mostly women worked. There was a countrywide strike next day given by opposition parties.
Next day, the garment workers refused to enter the building. They were forced, and threatened to be sacked by the factory owners and the local don owner of the bldg Shohel Rana to counter national strike call of the opposition parties. Once they entered and all generators started the bldg suddenly collapsed at about 9:00 am.
Local people and volunteers with bare hand, hand tools- shovel and cutters rushed to rescue the victims. More than 40 Foxholes and serpentine tunnels were made by them, they worked nonstop on the first two days risking own life without anyone to command on them.
To save victims they cut trapped limbs crushed under heavy girders/ columns using shovel and hacksaw to bring them out. Hundreds were rescued alive.
Govt organizations joined the rescue later, bit by bit. Army took over charge, but heavy machines could not operate properly due to lack of space.
The Armed forces, Fire Brigade, Red Cresant volunteers and the civil defense authority have launched massive rescue operation.
Cracks in Rana Plaza were noticed on the previous day and the inspection team declared the bldg risky to use. Shops and a Bank in Ist and 2nd floor removed their assets. Top 5 floors housed 5 garment factories where 5 thousand workers mostly women worked. There was a countrywide strike next day given by opposition parties.
Next day, the garment workers refused to enter the building. They were forced, and threatened to be sacked by the factory owners and the local don owner of the bldg Shohel Rana to counter national strike call of the opposition parties. Once they entered and all generators started the bldg suddenly collapsed at about 9:00 am.
Local people and volunteers with bare hand, hand tools- shovel and cutters rushed to rescue the victims. More than 40 Foxholes and serpentine tunnels were made by them, they worked nonstop on the first two days risking own life without anyone to command on them.
To save victims they cut trapped limbs crushed under heavy girders/ columns using shovel and hacksaw to bring them out. Hundreds were rescued alive.
Govt organizations joined the rescue later, bit by bit. Army took over charge, but heavy machines could not operate properly due to lack of space.
Local hospitals (Enam hospital) and clinics, charitable and social organization, communities gave commendable service and support free of cost.
People take it as 'man made disaster'.
(All pics from daily newspapers)

Grief: Two army personnel, a fire fighter, a doctor and a volunteer entered the tunnel. to pull Shaheena out were complete, a fire broke out around 10:00pm from the sparks that originated from rod-cutting.
Clinging to life for more than 100 agonising hours trapped in the third floor, she had given the nation something to hold on to. Tunnel was made to reach her. But all efforts to bring her out went in vain when a fire broke out with blast and inside gone silent. The rescue team immediately had to retreat, leaving Shaheena behind. She died while waiting to be rescued. Sorry Shaheena!
Left arm severed to rescue
relentless wail for mom
missing faces
Unable to create an export industry that could balance any off-set in the textile industry when majors buyers are on the look-out for new markets, these poor female will have to sacrifice their future for the profit of small fry goons like rana.
Let me assure you that the people of the world have watched this in horror and mourn with the people of Bangladesh over this terrible event. Let us now pray that the safeguards that the labor movement in the west fought so hard for can now be carried to Bangladesh so that this can never happen again.
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