A 'Thika Gari' in the foreground in Chawkbazar, 1904

PG Hospital



Dhaka Museum

New version of horse cart seen

Picture box near TSC

A small community of Armenian tradesmen came to live in Dhaka in the 18th century. They flourished in business and soon became rich. Many of them acquired Zamindari and estate. They opened shops in Shankharibazar and Patuatuli to sell European commodities. Among them, G.M. Sirkore introduced horse cart in 1856 for the first time that became popular in Dhaka. It is said, the number of cart rose to 600 by 1889. The cart with wooden body was designed to carry people together with their household utensils and was very popular. It was known in Dhaka as “Thika gari”. The horse carts became extinct in the 1960’s. It is heartening to see the prototype of 'Thika Gari' adorning the island in front of Hotel Sheraton intersection at Shahbagh.
Dhaka's antiquities..!
They were also known as "tom tom".
Ershad Bhai, what are the picture boxes?
New version of the Horse carts, looks pretty cool!
A version of indegenous movie run by rotating a lever, these type of of cinema boxes were polpular in village mela in the 40's or 50's.
I have been told the new horse cart has been worked by a local talent Mrinal Huq who worked in NY.
Ershad Bhai:
Those picture boxes, Are those Bi-scope? Awesome. I enjoy watching your pictures it takes me right back to Dacca (Dhaka). Me and my 2 sons we look at these pictures and I tell them stories about my childhood, about Dhaka and the pictures. We really enjoyed the pictures of St. Gregory's High School. Thank you very much for taking me back to my golden days.
You are right, Bioscope. Thanks a lot.
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